Martha’s Vineyard Tragedy
In a jaw-dropping political stunt this week, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spent $12 million of taxpayer money to charter private flights to relocate approximately 50 undocumented Venezuelan immigrants to the luxurious island suburb of Martha’s Vineyard. The home of Massachusetts’ wealthy and political elite, Martha’s Vineyard is known for hosting the lavish vacation homes of former presidents, and the estates of the decadent Kennedy family. It is the political persuasions of these same wealthy liberal elite, that often call for a relaxed and open border policy, allowing immigrants to come into the United States unchecked.
Whatever your opinions on the ongoing debate around immigration are, the implications of political and cultural hypocrisy put on display by this exercise in political absurdity have been a revelation into the disconnect between rich white liberals and the everyday consequences of their political policies. While they have no problem donating to Super PACs, and Candidates that advocate for open borders, and requiring government and community support of the poor and desperate migrants flooding over the border with increased welfare spending, they do so from a distance, unaffected, in their gated communities. But when the governor of a border state relocated those migrants into the heart of their secluded island paradise, it was immediately seen as a humanitarian crisis and a cruel and inhumane move.
I for one agree with them. I can think of very few things crueler than to detain someone risking their lives in a search for freedom, and deporting them to a hellish totalitarian landscape such as Massachusetts. The fact is, many of the illegal immigrants flooding into the US have a stronger drive to find freedom and liberty in their lifetimes, than the average voter in Massachusetts. And those seeking freedom deserve to have it, while those trying to impose tyranny from a distance, deserve failure in their quest.
Stop Mass. Migration Now!
The humanitarian crisis plaguing our southern neighbor is forcing people to flee the consequences of their own actions and votes. As Massachusetts sees unprecedented growth in tyranny, with oppressive taxes, overbearing regulations, and Orwellian lockdown measures, its residents desperately flee north. Unfortunately, some of those seeking refuge in New Hampshire aren’t those who value freedom and liberty, but rather those economically and politically illiterate voters who are responsible for the climate they flee. And as they seek out posh luxury vacation homes in our mountains and lakes regions, they bring with them voting habits that threaten the livelihoods and liberties of Granite State citizens.
That is why I’m proposing that we build a wall on our southern border, to protect our New Hampshire culture and values from the overwhelming tyranny of Massachusetts voters. And best of all, we’re going to make Massachusetts pay for it! Besides, Nashua is already known as “The Gate City,” and it can’t be a gate unless there’s a wall!
Check out our latest campaign ad, and share it with your friends, neighbors, and colleagues, to help spread the word! Together, we can Stop Mass. Migration Now!
On a Serious Note
Immigration is a complex and divisive subject where most who engage in the debate miss the forest for the trees, and are unable to see the greater picture. While we may recognize the slippery slope and loss of freedoms here in the United States, the rest of the world still sees us as a bastion of freedom and relative safety. So many are willing to break the law and risk their lives for a chance to grab a piece of the American Dream for themselves, and we’re busy debating what to do about it, instead of trying to understand why it’s happening.
Politicians on both traditional sides of the partisan aisle actually have roughly the same approach to policy, even while differing in rhetoric. President Biden’s policy approach to dealing with migrants and border policy is not actually significantly different from that of President Trump. In fact, one of President Biden’s first actions as president was to authorize the completion of the new border wall and fence system started under Trump. But even with the completion of the wall, Migrants are up 2-3x under the Biden Administration. Why? Because their rhetoric is different. Immigrants perceived Biden to be welcoming and Trump to be threatening. In a way, rhetoric like this ad is the real wall.
And in reality, most of these immigrants coming over the southern border are just poor, desperate people, trying the last thing they can think of to escape poverty, destitution, and tyranny in their home countries. Home countries that are often suffering from frequent economic and social turmoil, violent government oppression, and widespread poverty, are often a direct result of decades of US Foreign policy interfering in their elections and economies to exert colonialist control. The United States Government is not blameless for the conditions they are trying to escape, just as it is not blameless for the conditions they find themselves forced into when they get here. Our immigration system needs a complete and total overhaul to allow for and recognize the positive contributions that hard-working immigrants can bring to this country.
One of the largest drivers of illegal immigration is the difficulty in accomplishing the task legally. The US Immigration system is broken, possibly beyond repair, and people are suffering as a result. And instead of doing meaningful things to alleviate that suffering, politicians debate the provision of welfare benefits and the creation of perverse incentives that enable the self-fulfilling prophecy of immigrant welfare drain. Even known petty tyrant and gun grabber Ronald Reagan understood the importance of welcoming those who value freedom and hard work in his farewell address from the oval office.
I've spoken of the shining city all my political life, but I don't know if I ever quite communicated what I saw when I said it. But in my mind, it was a tall proud city built on rocks stronger than oceans, wind swept, God blessed, and teeming with people of all kinds living in harmony and peace - a city with free ports that hummed with commerce and creativity, and if there had to be city walls, the walls had doors, and the doors were open to anyone with the will and the heart to get here.
That's how I saw it, and see it still. How Stands the City?
And how stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: after 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm.
And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the Pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.
-President Ronald Reagan
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We need to get these messages in front of as many granite state voters as possible. And legacy media advertising isn’t cheap. But we can strive to have an impact with your help!
Every donation helps get us closer to our goals and gets the message of liberty in front of more Granite State voters. With your help, we can make a difference and make liberty win today!
Yours in Liberty,
Justin O’Donnell
Campaign Manager, Jeremy Kauffman for US Senate
This publication is paid for by Kauffman for Congress, FEC ID: C00803601